Specific Issues That Affect Children

This section of the procedures looks at specific issues that can arise in child protection work and factors that need to be considered when responding to situations where issues are prevalent.


This section of the procedures looks at specific issues that can arise in child protection work and factors that need to be considered when responding to situations where such issues are prevalent. Namely:

Abuse Linked to Spiritual or Religious Beliefs
Abuse Linked to Spiritual or Religious Beliefs
Assessing & Responding to the Impact Parental Mental ill Health on Children
Assessing & Responding to the Impact Parental Mental ill Health on Children
Assessing and Responding to the Impact of Domestic Abuse
Assessing and Responding to the Impact of Domestic Abuse
Assessing the Impact of Parental Substance and or Alcohol Misuse on Children
Assessing the Impact of Parental Substance and or Alcohol Misuse on Children
Asylum Seeking Children
Asylum Seeking Children
Avoiding Dual Protection
Avoiding Dual Protection
Baby Safe Sleep Practice Guidance
Baby Safe Sleep Practice Guidance
Breast Ironing
Breast Ironing
Bruising on Non Mobile Babies
Bruising on Non Mobile Babies
Child Exploitation
Child Exploitation
Child on Child Abuse
Child on Child Abuse
Child Protection Medical Assessments
Child Protection Medical Assessments
Child to Parent Violence and Abuse
Child to Parent Violence and Abuse
Child's Chronology Guidance (Single & Multi-agency)
Child's Chronology Guidance (Single & Multi-agency)
Child's Voice & Lived Experience - Toolkits
Child's Voice & Lived Experience - Toolkits
Children at Risk of Blood Borne Viruses and HIV Infection
Children at Risk of Blood Borne Viruses and HIV Infection
Children Entering and Leaving Uk
Children Entering and Leaving Uk
Children in Hospital
Children in Hospital
Children Returning Home
Children Returning Home
Children Who Go Missing
Children Who Go Missing
Children with Disabilities
Children with Disabilities
Complex Case Guidance
Complex Case Guidance
Concealed Pregnancy Procedure
Concealed Pregnancy Procedure
Deliberate Self-harm
Deliberate Self-harm
Dogs and Safeguarding
Dogs and Safeguarding
Family Group Conferences
Family Group Conferences
Family pack of questionnaires and scales
Family pack of questionnaires and scales
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
Framework for the Assessment of Children in Need
Framework for the Assessment of Children in Need
Forced Marriages
Forced Marriages
Honour Based Violence and Abuse
Honour Based Violence and Abuse
Investigating Complex (organised or multiple) Abuse
Investigating Complex (organised or multiple) Abuse
Online Child Abuse
Online Child Abuse
Perplexing Presentations/Fabricated & Induced Illness
Perplexing Presentations/Fabricated & Induced Illness
Prevent / Channel Referral Process
Prevent / Channel Referral Process
Private Fostering
Private Fostering
Racial and Religious Harassment
Racial and Religious Harassment
Rough Guides for Practitioners
Rough Guides for Practitioners
Safeguarding The Unborn Baby
Safeguarding The Unborn Baby
Serious Child Safeguarding Incidents, Rapid Reviews & Safeguarding Practice Reviews
Serious Child Safeguarding Incidents, Rapid Reviews & Safeguarding Practice Reviews
Standing Conference on Drug Abuse Guidelines (SCODA) Questionnaire
Standing Conference on Drug Abuse Guidelines (SCODA) Questionnaire
Tees Child Death Overview Panel
Tees Child Death Overview Panel
Tees Multi-agency Standards for Case Recording
Tees Multi-agency Standards for Case Recording
Tees Valley Safeguarding Dental Access Referral Pathway (Pilot)
Tees Valley Safeguarding Dental Access Referral Pathway (Pilot)
Think Family Guidance - Safeguarding Adults Children and Families
Think Family Guidance - Safeguarding Adults Children and Families
Transient Families
Transient Families
Types of Abuse
Types of Abuse
Underage Sexual Activity
Underage Sexual Activity
Working with Families Who Find It Hard To Engage
Working with Families Who Find It Hard To Engage
Working With Parents Who Have a Learning Disability
Working With Parents Who Have a Learning Disability
Young Carers
Young Carers