Serious Incident / Learning Request Form

Serious Child Safeguarding Incidents and Notifications

The Local Authority has the duty to notify the Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel of any serious child safeguarding incident in their area. A serious incident is where abuse or neglect of the child is either known or suspected and the child has died or has been seriously harmed (16C (1) of the Children Act 2004 (as amended by the Children and Social Work Act 2017)).

Across Tees it is expected that any serious incident will be identified via one of two pathways:

During the CDOP process where a child has died or is expected to die in the following days, professionals will review the incident and consider whether abuse or neglect is the known or suspected cause; reaching a decision on whether the criteria for a serious incident notification has been met;

During safeguarding procedures where a child has been seriously harmed, professionals will convene a strategy. The incident will be reviewed and consideration will be given as to whether abuse or neglect is the known or suspected cause; reaching a decision on whether the criteria for a serious incident notification has been met.

For further information please go to the following page on this website:


To access the Serious Incident / Learning Request Form please click on the following link: