Tees Child Death Overview Forms

A coordinated Joint Agency Response should be triggered if a child’s death:

  • is or could be due to external causes;
  • is sudden and there is no immediately apparent cause (including SUDI/C);
  • occurs in custody, or where the child was detained under the Mental Health Act;
  • where the initial circumstances raise any suspicions that the death may not have

  been natural; or

  • in the case of a stillbirth where no healthcare professional was in attendance.

The response is initiated by completing the Notification Form (previously “Form A”) for notification of a death to CDR partners

The Reporting Form (previously “Form B”) is used for gathering information from agencies or professionals who have information relevant to the case. Reporting forms should be completed by the relevant responsible officer and shared with the relevant CDOP to inform the Joint Agency Response. For certain child deaths, a supplementary Reporting Form should also be completed as required.


For further information on the Tees Child Death Overview Panel please go to the following page on this website: